Counteracting bad LPFM data in LMS
REC placed a couple of emergency fixes into various systems this morning to deal with the ongoing bad information coming from the FCC on LPFM records.
Modified back office systems and FCCdata to regard a station in which the app_antenna.aant_antenna_type_code from LMS is blank. Normally, this is the field in LMS that designates an antenna to be directional or nondirectional. Systems will treat blank entries as nondirectional facilities.
J1 Travel: JR EAST parser
Did a complete rebuild of the system used to obtain travel reports for JR East Japan Railway.
We have returned JR EAST to on-air, website, Twitter and the mobile app.
There may be some additional table building necessary to determine any new English language nomenclature used by the railway.
J1 Travel: JR East & New York City MTA, Mobile App
Installed some modifications and added monitoring to support the site changes at JR East in order to obtain train delay information for the Kanto region. Modifying the code on an ongoing basis to handle the new delay status messages from JR East. Any JR East delays that the system is able to decode will be displayed. All issues will be logged.
Until the new JR East interface is stable, we have curtailed all tweets from the JR East interface to the @j1_travel Twitter account.
myLPFM 2.0: false positives - contour map issues
We will be working on numerous bugs reported on myLPFM 2.0. This includes reports of missing contour maps, nonfunctional census information and false positives in results.
ETU: Sunday 9PM ET.
6/21/2020 1443 EDT
Determined and cleared the issue that was causing the false positive result. The Channel Search was not properly handling some LMS applications.
Determined and cleared the issue that was causing the lack of contour maps.
J1: Twitter interface for travel.
J1 uses Twitter to obtain service status information for the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority trains, Metrolink and some Japanese private railways. After a 6 day outage, we have redesigned the interface to Twitter using their most recent API and we have resumed travel information on J1 and the (new) J1 Mobile App.
Twitter updates will be retrieved once per minute, 24 hours a day.
Metro and Metrolink updates will take place once per minute, 24 hours a day.
Japan updates will take place on the following schedule: new Daily Releases section added
A new "Daily Releases" section has been added to It will only be on the desktop version and will be located between Broadcast Applications and Broadcast Actions.
Daily Releases will track all of the new documents released by the FCC (from all Bureaus, not just Media) in order to provide a "first view" into newly released decisions and documents.
Clicking the news item will open a new browser tab and take you to that item at
Releases made within the past 30 minutes will display with a yellow background.
LPFM and LMS map fixes in FCCdata.
Put in several modifications to the display and handling of LMS LPFM records that have extremely low powers and bring them back up to what they should be.
Fixed a bug in the display of FM maps on LMS FM records where an amendment was filed.
We note that there may still be some issues with LMS FM maps, especially for LPFM stations. We will try to fix those on the weekend.
Import letter update
FM Contours: phase 2
Last weekend, we had converted contours for FM Translator stations from using the FCC contour file to the system doing a calculation of HAAT and determination of contours. This was due to the fact that the FCC contour file had a considerable number of inaccuracies, especially with the applications filed through LMS post September 25, 2019. This past weekend, we have extended that functionality to include full-service FM, LPFM and FM booster stations.
Contours of Class B and B1 stations not appearing correctly.
FM contours in FCCdata frozen (except translators)
Due to the decaying reliability of the contours provided by the FCC on their flat files, we are moving to generating our own contours that will be used in the display of maps in FCCdata.
Display of applications in CDBS
Renewal status real time, new delayed renewal list, minor FCCdata fix.
Renewal Status Tool
The REC Renewal Status tool has been updated to interface with the data used to drive This means that prior to giving a result based on LMS data, the REC LMSBOT real-time data will be used to determine if a grant happened since the last LMS raw data update. If it has, the tool will display the grant and provide a link to the authorization.
Renewal Delays and Dismissals
myLPFM: remove booster protection, fix multi application issue
myLPFM 2.0
Removed requirement to protect FM boosters. There is technically nothing in the rules that requires it and it does mess up LPFM facilities that have boosters.
Put some fixes in that will retain the geographic location on the entry screen if the facility entered has multiple active applications.
Tool will now display a notice in the results when the same channel as the current LPFM station is displayed.
Other minor cosmetic fixes from last weekend's refresh project.