ITU-International Telecommunications Union
- Evaluating fields from terrestrial broadcasting transmitting systems operating in any frequency band for assessing exposure to non ionizing radiation - ITU-R BS.1698 (2005) [DOC]
AM Broadcasting
- Ground-wave Propagation Curves for Frequencies between 10 kHz and 30 MHz - ITU-R P.368-7 (1992)
- Rio de Janeiro 1988 (AM broadcasting between 1605~1705 kHz)
FM Broadcasting
- Planning Standards for terrestrial FM sound broadcasting at VHF ITU-R BS.412-9 (12/1998)
- Method for point-to-area predictions for terrestrial services in the frequency range 30 MHz to 3000 MHz - ITU-R P. 1546-5 (09/2013)
Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB)
- Technical Basis For Planning of Terrestrial Digital Sound Broadcasting in the VHF Band - ITU-R BS.1660-6
HF Broadcasting
- "Planning parameters" for digital sound broadcasting at frequencies below 30 MHz - ITU-R BS.1615-1 (05/2011)
- Digital Radio Modiale in the 26 MHz band (25 670-26 100 kHz) - ITU-R BS.2251 (06/2012)
TV Broadcasting
- Planning Criteria for Digital Terrestrial Television Services in the VHF/UHF Band - ITU BT.1368-4
- Planning Criteria, including protection, for Second Generation of Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Systems in the VHF/UHF Bands - ITU-R BT.2033-2 (01/2022)
- DTTB Handbook: Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting int he VHF/UHF Bands - v. 1.02 (ITU-R, 2002)
- Central America and Caribbean Multilateral Agreement - Digital TV in VHF and UHF - Belize City (09/14/2018)
Radio Regulations 2024
- 2024 1. Articles
- 2024 2. Appendices
- 2024 3. Resolutions and Recommendations
- 2024 4. ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference
Radio Regulations 2012
- 2012 Rules of Procedure
- 2012 1. Articles
- 2012 2. Appendices
- 2012 3. Resolutions and Recommendations
- 2012 4. ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference
Radio Regulations 2016
- 2016 1. Articles
- 2016 2. Appendices
- 2016 3. Resolutions and Recommendations
- 2016 4. ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference
- 47 CFR Parts 73 & 74 effective Dec. 21, 1963 - This is when the FCC changed the FCC rules from Parts 3 and 4 to Parts 73 and 74, respectively. This is a complete Part 73 and 74 as taken from the Federal Register.
- 39 Meeting of Permanent Consultative Committee II: Radio Communications - Final Report (Mexico City, April 22~29, 2022) OEA/Ser.L/XVII.4.2.39 (May 12, 2022) (recommendation that 76~88 MHz be available for FM sound broadcasting in Region 2).
- Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Implementation Guide - CCP.II-RAD.doc. 1201 rev.1 (April, 2011)
26 MHz/11 meter broadcasting (SBS)
- The use of the 26 MHz band for satellite broadcasting - BBC (1980)
- Is DRM on 26 MHz an Option for Local Digital Broadcasting? Results from a Field Trial in Nuremberg, Germany (2004)
- DRM Local Coverage Tests Using the 26 MHz Broadcasting Band (2007)
- Local Radio in the 26 MHz Band using DRM - Results of the Nuremberg Field Trial and General Considerations
DRM Consortium
- DRM Guide 2013
- DRM Introduction and Implementation Guide (2018)
- Minimum Receiver Requirements for DRM Receivers (DRM30 and DRM+) (v.4.0, 04/2017)
Other administrations/associations
- Co-existence Studies Between Wireless Microphones and Digital TV in the UHF Band (12/2013) [DOCX]
- Evaluation of the Propagation Model Recommendation ITU-R P.1546 for Mobile Services in Rural Australia (2008)
- The Bahamas National Spectrum Plan (06/2010)
- Technical Standards for FM Radio Broadcasting in the Bahamas (04/2019)
- An extension of the FM band (eFM) and the migration of AM stations to TV channels 5-6 (76~88 MHz). (2010) [PDF] Portuguese
- Recommendation to CITEL regarding sound broadcasting on 76~88 MHz - ANATEL (2019)
- CEPT Radio Amateur License (Rec. T/R 61-01) (02/2017)
- Measurements on the Performance of DVB-t Receivers in the Presence of Interference from the Mobile Service (especially from LTE) (06/2010) [DOC]
- Technical Standards for Free To Air Digital Terrestrial Television - Ministerio de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones
- Master Spectrum Plan - ANE (2020)
- Planificacion de Frecuencias de Television Digital Terrestre (TDT) con Areas de Adjudicacion en el Ecuador (Plan of Frequencies for Digital TV in Ecador) (2017)
European Broadcast Union
- Local area coverage: Use of the 26 MHz for DRM (Claudio Re, Radio Maria, Italy)
- Consultation publique portant sur l’opportunité d’une régulation de la puissance multiplex FM en France (Public consultation on the appropriateness of an FM multiplex power regulation in France)
- DRM 2014 Update (Calvin Carter, Continental Electronics and DRM Steering Board Member)
Hong Kong
- KU3N reply to IRTS consultation on amateur allocations at 30-49 and 54-69.9 MHz
- IRTS New Band Plans for New Spectrum (30~49, 54~69.9 MHz)
- Amateur Station License Guidelines - ComReg (4/16/2018)
- Ley Federal de Telecommunicaciones y Radiodifusion (Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law) (06/2016)
- Table of allocations chart
Western Samoa