This is a comprehensive index of pages within REC Networks. Those in bold are outside of the domain and some may be subject to third-party terms of service and privacy policies. This index may include links to older REC pages which have not been recently updated.
- About REC
- Acronym List
- Administrative Procedure Act
- Advertising on REC services
- Advice for LPFM stations considering upgrading to full-service NCE
- Advisory Letters
- Airing of telephone conversations
- Alaska Class D FM radio stations
- Alternate Spectrum for Broadcasting
- Alternate Spectrum for Broadcasting: 1605~1705 kHz
- Alternate Spectrum for Broadcasting: 25670~26100 kHz
- Alternate Spectrum for Boradcasting: 26100~26480 kHz
- Alternate Spectrum for Broadcasting: 76~88 MHz
- AM Revitalization translator filing windows (2017/2018): Advice for AM licensees
- AM Revitalization translator filing windows (2017/2018): Advice for LPFM stations
- Amendments and changes (LPFM)
- Antenna gain tables
- API - Application Processing Interface
- APIs on SwaggerHub
- ASRN Lookup
- Assignment of license & transfers of control
- Assignment of License checklist (LPFM)
- BAPS data from June 29, 1997
- Barter programming
- Board members (minimum required)
- Booster stations (for LPFM)
- Call Sign Activity
- Call Sign Availability
- Canada International Agreement
- CDBS Historic View
- CDBS Open Data and system history
- Certified LPFM Transmitter List
- Channel Points
- Channel 6 TV stations that must be protected by (full-service) NCE stations
- Checklist
- Chinese Voice of Golden City (DKQLS-LP) document collection
- Cigarette and cigar shops
- CIRAF map
- Class C4 proposal: what LPFMs need to know
- Class D FM Stations for Alaska
- Class D FM Stations for Alaska - detailed information
- Commercials on an internet stream while FM airs underwriting
- Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)
- Compliance Guide
- Contacting REC
- Contours (50,50 vs. 50,10, service vs. interfering)
- Cookie policy
- CPC of the WMM - REC position statement (2023)
- C-SPAN - rebroadcasting
- Curves
- Data Store
- Datum conversion in REC Broadcast Tools
- Delmarva FM
- Digital Radio Mondiale
- Dingers
- Directional antennas for LPFM stations
- Disaster information
- Distance Calculator
- Distribution of FM stations along Mexican border
- Diversity at REC
- Do I need a license?
- DTS AutoStage
- ECFS - recent comments filed with FCC
- Educational Statement example
- 8-meter Amateur Radio band Petition for Rulemaking (RM-11843)
- Elevation Check
- eLMS: Enhanced License Management System (main overview)
- eLMS application IDs
- eLMS application type codes
- eLMS application types (detailed)
- eLMS Public Data download
- eLMS service codes
- Enforcement Activity Database
- Enviornmental Impact
- EPA types for FM broadcast antennas
- Errors on
- E-skip
- Every Nook and Cranny (ENAC)
- Exposure guidelines
- Extension of an LPFM construction permit
- EZ Forms - REC work request
- EZ Forms ordering process, fees, terms and conditions
- Facebook - J1 Radio
- Facebook - REC Networks
- Facebook Group - Future LPFM/NCE Broadcasters
- Facebook Group - LPFM
- Facebook Group - LPFM Tech Advice
- Facebook Group - Part 15 AM and FM Radio
- FCC Activity Report email from V-soft
- FCC database file archive
- FCC decisions
- FCC filings and other presentations from REC
- FCC Record search tool
- FCC Rules for LPFM stations
- - searching for radio and TV in Japan
- the podcast
- Federal Register
- Field strength curves calculator
- Filing fees for commercial FM facilities
- Filing Window (2023) Information Needed
- Filing Window Tracking Tool
- Florida pirate radio law
- FM Booster stations for LPFM
- FM Model
- FM Model EPA types
- FM Power - ERP based on HAAT
- FM Riverton
- FM translator stations for LPFM
- FMmap from REC general information
- Foothill Effect
- FORTRAN source code from the FCC
- Foundation for a Beautiful Life (DKQEK-LP) document collection
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- HAAT (Height Above Average Terrain) Calculator
- HAAT calculations for locations close to coastlines or foreign territory
- HD Hijack
- HD Radio for LPFM Stations
- HD Radio licensing fees for NCE/LPFM stations
- HD Radio rebroadcasting LPFM on HD stream
- How do I start a new LPFM station?
- How NCE MX Groups are scored
- Information about 2000-2001 LPFM Filing Window data in the REC Window Tracker Tool
- Information for Viasat customers
- Initatives
- Installing BUTT on Raspberry Pi
- Interesting FCC decisions
- Interference from new (2023) LPFM stations to full service stations - open letter
- Interference protection (LPFM)
- International Agreement with Canada
- International broadcasters - LPFM carriage of
- International High Frequency Broadcast Stations
- Introduction to LPFM
- IPAWS All Hazards Feed
- ITU and other international documents
- ITU Zone (CIRAF) map
- J1 Radio
- Japan broadcasting
- Japan earthquake data
- Japan radio and TV searching in
- Jingles produced for REC properties
- Jupiter Community Radio NAL - REC statement
- Land mobile propagation curve calculator
- License Renewal
- LMS - link to FCC LMS filing system
- LMS Vulnerability Incident (2023) - overview and root cause analysis
- Local Community Radio Act - history
- Local Community Radio Act of 2005
- Local Community Radio Act of 2009
- Local Community Radio Act of 2010 (current law)
- Low Power AM Channel Search Tool
- Low Power AM comments fact sheet (RM-11287)
- Low Power AM Radio
- LP-10 distance table (except PR-VI)
- LP-10 distance table (Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands only)
- LP-100 distance table (except PR-VI)
- LP-100 distance table (Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands only)
- LP-250 Antenna Check
- LP-250 Information
- LPFM Advisory Letters
- LPFM Advocates alternative proposal for FCC "Option 3" in MM Docket 99-25
- LPFM carrying programs from international broadcasters
- LPFM Channel Points (for Auction 83 application handling and REC Translator Reform petition)
- LPFM dismissal letters
- LPFM Dismissed and Delayed Renewals
- LPFM Filing Window (2000/2001) - REC historic documents
- LPFM Filing Window (2023) - REC prediction scoring criteria
- LPFM Filing Window historical documents (2000/2001, 2013)
- LPFM legal reference
- LPFM power chart
- LPFM RF Exposure
- LPFM Rules
- LPFM second-adjacent channel waivers
- LPFM Second Report and Order
- LPFM self inspection checklist
- LPFM stations near Mexico
- LPFM stations operating on 88.1~92.3 (channels 201~222)
- LPFM stations subject to main studio and local programming pledges
- LPFM third-adjacent channel considerations
- LPFM Third Adjacent Channel Study (MITRE Report)
- LPFM upgrading to NCE
- LPFM Wide Area Availability Map (prior to 2023 LPFM filing window)
- LPFM Wiki
- LPFM.APP for REC 2023 LPFM window clients
- LPFM.US Annual Inventory
- LPFM.US National LPFM Station Directory
- Map quotas
- Market definitions for March 2012 FM Translator/LPFM Report and Order
- Mexico AM to FM Conversion - Official Gazette - September 15, 2008 (Proposal)
- Mexico AM to FM Conversion - Official Gazette - November 24, 2016 (Decision)
- Mexico border issues for LPFM stations
- Mexico distribution of FM stations along the border area
- Mexico strip zone
- Michi-FM
- Minimum board members required by state (LPFM and NCE)
- MITRE Report (LPFM third-adjacent channels)
- Mutually exclusive (MX) applications and time sharing (LPFM)
- MX Group (LPFM) point handling scenarios
- MX Group scoring (NCE)
- myLPFM
- myLPFM development roadmap
- New Jersey pirate radio law
- New York State pirate radio law
- News reports about REC
- Nielsen Audio Top 50 Market Counties
- Noncommercial Educational FM filing window
- Noncommercial FM stations with FCC History Cards
- NTIA documents
- Old FCC database files
- Old Time Radio commercials on LPFM and NCE stations
- Open data at REC
- OPEN Government Data Act (2019): REC's assessment of open data at the FCC
- Operational Status - REC
- Opt-out programming (replacing stream audio with commercials during underwritng breaks)
- Order 107 from WW2
- Ownership reports not required for LPFM
- Part 15 devices in the broadcast band
- Payola
- Pending Application List
- Perl script to import RSS file into Rivendell cart
- PHP code for routing by country
- Pirate Radio enforcement activity
- Pirate radio law - Florida
- Pirate radio law - New Jersey
- Pirate radio law - New York
- Pirate on my station's channel
- Plan B Concept (RM-11749)
- Pledge List
- Plugola
- Point system (LPFM)
- Political advertising
- Political candidate wanting airtime
- Practice of Good Network Security for EAS and other station assets (LPFM Advisory Letter #17)
- Privacy Policy
- Programming resources
- Projects
- Professional Service Rate Cards
- Public Notice Requirements
- Puerto Rico LPFM stations
- Radio Frequency Radiation compliance tool (FM Model)
- Radio History Project
- Radio History Project CSV format
- Radio History Project FM and TV antenna heights in FCCdata
- Radio History Project market progress report
- Radio History Project: Order 107
- Radio History Project station list
- Radio in Japan
- Radio license renewal deadline dates
- Radio Service Bulletin station list
- RadioDNS
- RadioDNS Connectivity Check
- RadioDNS genre codes
- RadioDNS Service Providers
- Rate Cards (REC professional services)
- Reasonable and prudent expenses
- Rebroadcasting another LPFM station
- Rebroadcasting C-SPAN
- Rebroadcasting WWV/WWVH time signals
- REC FCC filings
- REC FCC filings in MM Docket 99-25
- REC In The News
- REC Ireland/UK
- REC Networks Privacy Policy
- REC Operational Status Board
- REC Report on LCRA §5 Compliance in Auctions 99 and 100
- REC Standardized Broadcast Application Identifiers (recID)
- REC Work Request
- Recent FCC Call Sign Activity
- Recommendations
- References and Resources
- Regulatory Advocacy - rules that REC was involved in amending
- Renewal of License (LPFM)
- Renewal of License for a silent station
- Renewal Status (LPFM)
- Renewals - Dismissed and Delayed (LPFM)
- Requests from poltiical campaigns
- Reserved band LPFM stations
- RF Exposure
- RF Exposure
- Rivendell perl script to import RSS feed to cart
- Rivendell simple perl podcatcher and importer
- Riverton Radio Project Association
- Rules and policies that cannot be changed through rulemaking
- Runway Slope (TOWAIR)
- Rural NCE Stations Petition for Rulemaking (RM-11846)
- Scoring of MX Groups (NCE)
- SCRTD "everything sign"
- Second-adjacent channel "closer is better" theory
- Second-adjacent channel waivers (LPFM)
- Segment Codes
- Self inspection checklist
- Shortwave target area map
- Simulcasting another LPFM station
- SiriusXM FM Channel Search - once powered by REC
- The Six Segments of LPFM
- Smoke shops
- Spare call sign list
- Starting a new LPFM station
- Stop Asian Hate PSA
- Strip zone (Mexico)
- Super Mapple Digital 18
- Supporting REC
- Syndicated programming on LPFM/NCE stations
- Table of Allotments proceedings - impact on LPFM stations
- Telephone conversations on the air
- Telephone entertainment
- Third-adjacent channel (LPFM)
- Third Party Fundraising
- Time-sharing (LPFM)
- Tools
- Tower Finder
- Toybox
- Transfer of license checklist (LPFM)
- Translator to LPFM interference handling
- Translator Reform Petition for Rulemaking (RM-11952)
- Translators for LPFM stations
- Tropospheric ducting
- Twitter - REC LPFM @reclpfm
- U/D Ratio
- U/D Ratio calculator
- Underwriting Compliance Guide
- Underwriting messages the FCC didn't like
- Unincorporated associations
- Unlicensed broadcasting
- Upcoming opportunities for new stations
- Viable time share agreement proposal (MB Docket 19-3)
- Viasat - Information for their customers
- Vintage Los Angeles GTFS Project
- Virgin Islands LPFM stations
- VPIF Voluntary Public Inspection File (for LPFM stations)
- VPIF general information
- VPIF Help
- VPIF Terms and Conditions
- Warning signs for antenna sites
- When an LPFM is authorized for less than 100 watts
- WIDE-FM public presentation
- WIDE-FM Dialscape
- Window Tracker
- Windows and auctions since 2000
- WWV/WWVH - rebroadcasting time signals