From a presentation on virtualized emerging alerting to showing off its updated software for DASDEC and One-Net emergency messaging systems, Digital Alert Systems has much to share at the upcoming NAB Show in Las Vegas.
For CRISTA Media, owner of three radio stations serving the Puget Sound region, the need for an upgrade of its metadata management system was a priority. It's now benefiting from technology powered through the "Radio Experience TREplus" product offered by Broadcast Electronics.
Live video production is on the rise. So is the need for a flexible production platforms. That's why Japanese brand FOR-A is going to the NAB Show to introduce a product that it says removes the need for multiple dedicated devices to produce high-quality live video.
An agreement has been reached that will see LG Electronics add a plethora of content from NBCUniversal across its free ad-supported streaming television platform, with both Spanish-language and English-language audiences poised to gain access to series and themed channels.
Speaking at the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Legislative Summit, the Democratic FCC Commissioner urged business leaders to speak up against government intimidation and censorship as diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives come to an end under White House pressure.
The publicly traded company that owns the Global TV network and a group of broadcast radio stations including "Q107" and "The Edge" in Toronto has finalized a deal giving it the opportunity to get more Loonies and Twonies on loan, as a cash advance.
Adam Jacobson
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